about Alma Libre Too
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Our new boat -Amel 54
Alma Libre Too was the name of our new Amel 54 as always delivered on time by Amel on a sunny day May 23, 2011 in La Rochelle.
After trials and preparation in the bay, we finally left LaRochelle on Saturday May 28 2011. The crew was Pierre Bougrat, Pierre Roberge, Antoine Xygakis and me. We followed approximately our plan, as drawn in the chart below, crossed the Gulf Biscay, stayed in North of Spain for a while to safely pass the Cape Finisterre, reached Cascais, and passed to the Mediterranean through Gibraltar. We reached Athens on July 1, 2011.
A summary of the trip and a few photos may be found at http://blog.mailasail.com/almalibre
Extensive information about the first trip of Alma Libre Too from La Rochelle to Greece, my impressions about Amel 54, the trip itself and photos may be found here.
We have also had nice voyages during the summer.
An extensive comparison between the Super Maramu 2000 and Amel 54 may be found here. Additionally, I list the pros and the cons and the things to take into consideration, both about the Amel 54 and the trip.
Here is an interesting article about Amel 54 in Crusing World Oct 2006.
Finally, you can find a video of Alma Libre Too sailing in the Atlantic Ocean by clicking on picture below: